Entries by Honor Dunham

The End! Hand In Day

 It’s the end! I finished up my project today and I am very excited about it! Here are some final renders:   In the end I feel pretty happy with the outcomes. This project ended up being a lot harder than I thought it would be. Finding reference for tree houses that are not giant […]


Week 18 – FMP

This week was a week of completing tasks I had been postponing for a while. It started with completing the telescope model and baking and texturing it. While I am glad to have finished it I wish I had more time to texture it as I would have liked to added some logos and stickers […]


Week 17 – FMP

This week brought big changes the science treehouse. I started off by modelling a few props for the inside of the observatory as you can see inside it and It felt neglected. I just made some low poly simple assets because you cannot get up close to them and they are largely blocked by the […]


Week 16 – FMP

This week was full steam ahead to get the girly diorama closer to completion. This started with making some plants for the plant pots. one plant I made was a geranium, I made this by photo bashing images together to get a leaf and flower combination I liked. I think this works pretty well given […]


Week 15 – FMP

After my presentation last week I was alerted to the fact that I needed to get this diorama done quickly or cut it out of the project. I really do not want to cut it and so this week was all about pushing to get it done both quickly and well. I started off by […]

Week 14 – FMP

This week was spent focusing on the Girly Treehouse. I started off by creating a whitebox in engine and getting the skysphere done. I decided to go with a blue background for now as I want it to feel very light and there will be lots of pink, white and green in the rest of […]


Weeks 11- 13 (Easter) – FMP

Easter! what should have been lots of work but turned into a holiday. However I did get some important things done over the three weeks. The main thing I did was create and place all the leaves on the tree. I made the leaves by editing a photo and then putting it into b2m. I […]


Week 10 -FMP

This week I felt a bit burnt out and so was not as productive as I would have liked but I feel like its getting somewhere. One of the things I did was work out how I wanted to make the leaves for this diorama. I decided to use b2m with an image I found […]


Week 8 – FMP

Week 8 has rolled around and it was a busy one. We had to do presentations this week and so part of my focus was on that however this did push me to tidy some of my work up and also to make sure I had some renders and things like that. After the presentation […]

Week 7 – FMP

This week was a good week for me. I finally felt motivated and a bit more positive about where my project was going. I started off the week by doing some jobs I had been putting off such as texturing the rope, adding padding to the leaves, placing individual leaves in my scene and making […]

Week 6-FMP

This week felt a bit slow but I got some things I have been meaning to do done. The first thing I decided to tackle was the lighting. I had had large problems with the lighting in the scene with it either being too bright or too dark so I spent some time trying to […]

Week 5- FMP

So this week felt pretty unproductive for me but I spent time doing things i had been putting off. The main thing I did was create the leaves for the tree. I did this by taking a photo (not mine unfortunately as it is winter here and therefore impossible to find an silver maple leaf) […]

Week 4 – FMP

This week was time to re-top my tree and get it into engine as well as create a grass texture and make small adjustments to the scene such as changing the wood colour on the house and making sure things were unwrapped correctly. I started the week by re-topping the tree- this ended up taking […]

Week 3 – FMP

This week felt quite slow and frustrating and I didn’t achieve what I wanted to which is pushing me back more and more. However I did get the tree Zbrush model done as seen below:   I made the tree using zspheres and I originally planned on using z-remesher to get the topology of the […]

week 2- FMP

This week was pretty productive for me and I feel I made decent progress despite a few set backs.My first set back was that I have not made a tree since first year and so did not know the most efficient way to do so and so decided to do some research and in the […]

Week 1 – FMP

So unfortunately I started this week late due to Hospital appointments which wasn’t how I hoped to start FMP but I tried to make up for it with the rest of the time I had. What I did do however was create a rough mood board for the projects so I knew the direction in […]

Lets Go!

New term, new project. Unfortunately I am starting a few days late due to health issues but I am here now and ready to go! Just waiting on my FMP idea to be approved and then I can go full steam ahead but until then I am going to do some concepting etc.

Summative Hand-in

This term has been hard for me but I feel that through these projects I have found what I would like to progress with and found what maybe isn’t so much my forte.   Weapon: This is the final outcome of my weapon as well as the research for it:   Overwatch Environment:     […]

Polish Week

This week I decided that I wanted to focus on progressing my fishing shack project. While it may not be the highest marked project so far I feel it has the most potential and is the one I would use in a portfolio. Some of the crit I received was that it needed more assets […]

Fishing shack Formative Hand-in

This is my Formative hand-in for the diorama. I would like to spend polish week working on it further but I feel it is much more successful than previous projects so I am happy about that. I would like to add some more details such as a boat and place more objects around in polish […]

Fishing Shack Week Three End

This week seemed to go very quickly and I spent a large portion of my time creating shaders in engine and making sure everything looks right there. I started the week by making changes to the ground as it was not working as a small platform as the end felt far too sudden. In addition […]

Fishing Shack Week Two End

This week has seen this project come together a little more and start to look like something I am relatively proud of. I started the week by creating window frames and then texturing the barrier around the platform. I decided to use the same texture as the platform and just strategically place my UV’s. I […]

Fishing Shack Week One End

This week was a good start to this project. I feel like a realistic style is something I am much more comfortable with. I started out by making a white box. I kept it relatively simple but with a few different elements. After this I moved on to baking down and texturing the main body […]

Diorama- Fishing Shack- The Start

So this project I decided I wanted to try and push myself to do the diorama brief. However after last project I realized I needed to scale back completely and maybe not try and make all my own textures this time. While trying to decide what to base the diorama on I referred back to […]

Overwatch Environment – Formative

This is the stage I am at for my formative hand-in. Unfortunately I ran out of time and so there are a few things still unfinished such as the floor, harsh edges on the windows, lack of small props and possibly a feature piece. However I would like to come back and do these when […]

Overwatch Environment- The Base

Today I spent the day building all the base elements for my level such as windows and doors and the buildings. In addition to this I planned out what texture spaces things would be using. At the moment I feel behind but I have looked at my time plan and I am only a day […]

Overwatch Environment- Whitebox

Today I mainly focused on creating a basic whitebox layout so I could get a feel for size and scale of my project as well as start to make an asset list. this is my whitebox so far: I still expect a lot to change and I am concerned about the scale of the project […]

Brief Two- Overwatch Environment

Its the start of week two and I am thankfully feeling better and more motivated to work. I decided to pick the Overwatch style environment brief to do which I am quite excited about. Overwatch is a game I play a lot and a style I really love so I had lots of ideas from […]

Starting off

Today I decided to start off with the weapon project. After looking at the selection I decided to pick the gun that made the most sense to me. This was this one:


First day of third year! Just got the style matrix briefs of which I have chosen my three: – Weapon modelling project – Overwatch style small environment – Realistic Diorama I am excited to start this year! Heres hoping everything goes well.