Week 7 – FMP
This week was a good week for me. I finally felt motivated and a bit more positive about where my project was going.
I started off the week by doing some jobs I had been putting off such as texturing the rope, adding padding to the leaves, placing individual leaves in my scene and making the underside of the smaller platform as well as making the bucket and rope so I can animate them in the future. These all went pretty smoothly and I found myself getting in the rhythm of things a bit more.
From there I decided to finally finish the bark. I have attempted the bark a few times but none have been successful as they either didnt look like bark at all or looked like the wrong type of bark.
One probem I found was that finding reference for silver maple bark was pretty hard but I finally decided on this reference image:

FECTEAU, J. (2018). silver maple tree bark. [image] Available at: http://joshfecteau.com/meet-the-maples-silver-maple/ [Accessed 24 Feb. 2018].
This was my outcome:
I would have liked to of spent more time on it but I found that I was rapidly running out of time so I decided to just move on.
I also made a variant of this with moss over it which I vertex painted on in engine. This is where I am up to with this diorama. There are many things I would like to add such as the fabric and some props to make it feel more used and mud on the ground and possibly grass and rocks as well as changing the lighting but I will have to do so in my spare time.
I also changed the lighting a bit in order to make it a bit brighter and more saturated however I think I need to revise it again. While doing this I also played around with the skybox colour quite a bit and decided on this pale green as I feel it stops it looking so brown and washed out.