Week 3 – FMP
This week felt quite slow and frustrating and I didn’t achieve what I wanted to which is pushing me back more and more. However I did get the tree Zbrush model done as seen below:
I made the tree using zspheres and I originally planned on using z-remesher to get the topology of the low poly. However due to the way the tree splits at the base it would not re-mesh nicely and left me with lots of ‘broken’ sections that I would have had to fix manually so I think next week I am going to spend the time manually re-toping.
In addition to this I also modelled the trim for the house and made the second wood texture for the house- a painted wood plank. I did this by baking down planks to my wood material and then took it into substance painter and layered things on top. I am not sure what colour I want the paint to be yet and I am considering changing it to a stain instead of paint- I think I will re-visit it when I have the leaves in.